
Thursday, December 16, 2010

impian akan jadi kenyataan

lagi beberapa ari je aku nak gi interview tuk cikgu MARA..ati rase tak sabar nak gi..takut pun ade..harap2 aku dapat attend interview tu dgn jayanye..jgn la mengantuk or mamai kan..sebabnye aku keje malam plak before tu..pas balik keje dalam kul 8.30pg,kena siap cepat2.interview plak kul 11.15pg..Ya Allah,permudahkanlah urusan aku.Aminnn...

ni pun dah last stage tuk jadik cikgu MARA ni..bukan senang nak sampai ke tahap ni..aku rase ni la pencapaian yg terbaik dalam arena mencari kerja dalam hidup aku.hikhikhik...yela kan..setiap kali amik exam/interview kerajaan or badan berkanun,susah aku nak lulus..tapi kali ni dgn MARA dah hampir berjaya..aku tak mengharap sgt tapi kalo bleh aku nak dapat gak keje MARA least,hidup aku terjamin..

Ya Allah,bagi la aku kekuatan tuk hadapi interview tu nanti..Aminnn...

peti ais baru..=P

semalam (15/12/2010) aku dpt peti ais baru..sgt bangge dpt beli peti ais sendiri..tapi hutang la dulu dalam setahun kan..aku beli brand Mitsubishi model MR-F30B..kaler hitam..oh sgt smart...harge pun bleh tahan la.dapat diskaun lebih kurang berbaloi2...

sebenarnye ade citer sebalik peti ais ni..mule2 aku dah beli peti ais brand LG kat Carrefour Mid Valley..tapi disebabkan kesengalan pada stock kat situ,so aku pun terpakse cancel peti ais LG tu & mencari peti ais baru kat Best Denki Mid Valley..naseb la t'jupe peti ais aku ni..aku b'minat & terus beli...

pandangan dalam peti ais

 pandangan dari luar

smart tak peti ais ni???

lepas dapat je peti ais ni semalam,aku & Wawa dgn semangatnye gi beli barang dapur..Wawa sgt teruja dgn peti ais ni sebab dekat sebulan kitorg tunggu peti ais LG yg tak jadi tu..lastly beli je peti ais ni...aku panggil peti ais ni as Transformer..sebab mule2 tgk tu nampak cam Transformer.hahahah....

anyway,thanx to Wawa coz memilih peti ais ni tuk aku..=P

Monday, December 13, 2010

penantian itu satu penyeksaan

alhamdulillah,aku b'jaye gak dpt interview tuk cikgu MARA..tapi nk tunggu jwpn interview tu sgt t'seksa..tiap2 ari tgk website bile dpt tau, week aku gi interview masalah skrg aku keje blk je keje kne gi terus..ya Allah,moge2 aku dpt jwb dgn elok..AMIN..

Friday, December 3, 2010


kenapa kat dunia ni ade org yg suka tipu..dah la ko tipu org,pastu ko tak nak ngaku..tambah lagi buat fitnah kat kawan baik sendiri..ape jenis manusia la ni?kita ni dgn rela hati tolong dia sebab konon2 dia buat baik dgn kita.tapi rupanye ade udang di sebalik batu...time nak pinjam duit kat org,pakse tak ingat perasaan org.tapi biler org mintak duit balik,macam2 alasan..mmg dasar miskin+munafik..kalo ade org tu depan mate aku,mau aku tumbuk..geram giler ni..grrrr.........

Thursday, November 18, 2010

bekerja di hari raye haji

selamat hari raya haji kpd sume..tak terlambat kan aku nak ucapkan selamat hari raya aidiladha..

tuk ke-2 kali aku raya tahun ni tak de pape biase org lain raya sonok..tapi bagi aku skrg macam tak de feeling at all..aku pun tak tau nape..tapi semalam aku gi solat raya dgn Wawa..tu pun kebetulan dia tak balik Kuantan..should be aku keje kul 9 pagi..tapi sebab nak gi solat raya dgn dia,aku pun tukar shift masuk kul 12 pm...

semalam gak kitorg beraya makan nasi ayam yg dimasak b'sama2..oh sgt sedap ye puan2 & tuan2..hehehe...pagi nasi ayam,tghari nasi ayam,malam pun nasi ayam..sian ayam tak dapat makan nasi..hahaha..

keje time public holiday ni agak best gak laa.coz tak banyak call..maklum la keje call center ni kalo hari2 biase banyak call..kdg2 lenguh mulut nak b'cakap..huhu..lagi 1 bleh la nak claim time public holiday..tak la rugi sgt kan..cume tak bleh la nak gi coti2 or jalan2 cam org lain..

tu je la aku nak citer idea for this moment..nanti de citer menarek,akan ku posting lagi..chau cin chow...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LG HT303SU mini home theater

semalam 1st November 2010,aku dgn seronoknye beli mini home theater kat Harvey Norman Mid Valley..fuyooo, dgn penuh gaye..dgn bantuan Wawa, aku dapat gak gak design LG HT303SU..harge pun ok je, tak mahal sgt..RM 699 kalo ori set.tapi sebab aku amik display set, so harge dia jadi RM 599 plus warranty 2 tahun RM 69,total RM 668..tapi tak mungkin aku beli cash kan, harus la swipe credit card.huhuhu...

lepas ni target beli TV plak..tgk kemampuan yee..maybe buat installment 6 bulan ke kan..kumpul harte duit byk beli rumah plak..wah, sgt b'cite2 tinggi...chaiyok2..!

Friday, October 22, 2010

ujian personaliti guru MARA

wallaweh...20/10/2010,tarikh yg agak lawa gak kan..tarikh ni gak buat aku teringat tuk check result pemohonan tuk guru MARA.sepatutnye aku dah check 18hb tapi sebab aku ni pelupa,xde la check time 20hb tu aku pun bukak la web MARA tuk check result.mule2 cam xyakin sgt akan dpt kan.tapi biler check,Alhamdulillah aku dpt gak gi ujian personaliti..tapi agak masalah sket sb nak jadi cikgu ni pun kena tempuh dekat 3 stage..agak sukar ye nak jd cikgu skrg..hmmm...

biler tgk result tu,aku agak excited gak la kan..hehehe...tersengih je aku malam tu..tapi biler pikir balik kan..betul ke aku ni nak jd cikgu?bkn ke dari dulu aku x minat jd cikgu?cne agaknye nak ngajar ek?macam2 dok pikir ni...tapi pe pun yg akan aku jd,aku akan hadapi dgn b'sungguh2.hahaha..chaiyok2...

aku harap dgn ape yg aku pilih kali ni,akan memuaskan ati aku & jgn la nak tukar keje lain lagi..penat woo camni..ade je yg xkene.huhuhu..dan aku pun b'doa semoga aku akan b'jaye sume stage tuk guru MARA ni..doakan aku ye...AMIN...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

sudah sampai waktu kah?


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


entry kali ni pasal denggi
besfren aku,Wawa,warded sebab denggi
masuk ari ni dah 4 ari
agak risau gak coz xbleh kuar ward lg
platlet count dia turun dari 115 ke 91

aku ngah try cari ubat @ cara tuk pulihkan denggi ni
yg aku tau kebanyakan org ckp minum 100plus & air masak je
de gak tu cakap minum jus daun betik muda
de plak soh makan sup ketam nipah
ha,yg ni agak susah nak cari kot

kalo korang yg bace blog ni
de cara lain tuk pulihkan denggi
sila komen ek
cian tgk besfren aku tu
by the way,thanx for uols info..

hari raye yg mengecewakan =(

biler tiba hari raye, sume org b',eh,cam lirik lagu plak kan.hehehehe...kebetulan mmg nak buat ayat camtu...tu org lain yg hepi setiap kali raye..tapi aku???raye aku sgt la m'hampakan.dah la kena keje 1st raye.pastu plak keadaan rumah aku di pagi raye xla cam org lain..commonly setiap pagi raye,kite b'salam2an minta maaf.then makan same2.tapi lain plak bg aku...pagi2 dah kena kejut gi solat raye..mmg la nak gi solat raye tu..tapi xsempat nak buat apa2.xsempat nak b'salam2,makan same2 dah kena gi masjid seawal 7.30pg.bayangkan ngah t'pinga2 kena camtu..tapi xpe la,aku still think positive.maybe sebab takut parking penuh kat masjid tu..

sampai kat masjid,mama jalan dgn lajunye.xtau pe yg dia nak kejar.padahal x start solat raye lagi.dah la jalan licin,sampai t'jatuh dia sebab jalan kalut sgt...aku yg tgk ni cam kesian de,geram pun de.tapi sebab dia mak aku tegur je la..kalo ye pun nak gi solat,xperlu la t'kocoh2 sgt.Allah pun x soh camtu skali...ok la,solat raye pun dah setel dlm kul 9.30..aku pun ingat nak balik beraye dgn mama & abg fiq.makan same2 coz before gi masjid xmakan lg.tapi lain plak jadinye..tetiba mama soh aku balik dulu,makan before gi keje..mama?dia cakap nak gi beraye kat rumah terbuka PM ngan kawan dia.bleh x camtu???dah tu aku beraye dgn sape?ngan abg fiq je laa..balik2 abg fiq dah de,kitorg makan berdua je..aku siap2 nak gi rumah babah & pastu terus gi keje...abg fiq xnak gi lagi sebab nak tunggu mama gak..tapi mama call cakap dia balik lambat..time tu aku rase cam anak yatim piatu plak coz beraye x same ngan famili..rase bagus gak kalo aku keje time raye..

2nd raye aku dah cuti..plan gi melaka coz nany (nenek aku.kitorg panggil dia nany) de kat rumah pakcik Din aku (abg mama)..sume adik-beradik mama de kat melaka..dalam perjalanan ke melaka,cam biase mama tido je..oh lupe plak part yg aku tanye mama pasal adik2 aku.time ni aku agak t'sentap coz kena marah ngan mama..salah ke aku tanye pasal adik2 aku?aku pun rindu diorg especially Syawal (adik istimewa aku)...aku tau mama xnak ingat diorg coz sedih..tapi perlu ke jawab dgn nada yg marah?aku kecewa lg..em,sampai kat melaka,mama ajak gi umah pak Abu (sepupu mama blah arwah atuk) lagi aku xpaham..sepatutnye gi la tgk nany dulu.mak sendiri gi tgk org kes?xpe la maybe coz nak skali jalan je kan..pastu gi la terus rumah pakcik Din..sampai kat rumah tu,aku xtau nape tetiba mama tu terus diam je..x b'cakap langsung ngan org..diam je,buat hal sendiri sambil b'zikir..bagi aku la,x kisah kite nak b'amal ibadat,b'zikir..tapi perlu ke kite x b'cakap langsung even dgn mak kite sendiri?dah la tu,sanggup tido umah org lain b'banding dgn adik beradik sendiri..aku sgt xpaham dgn mama skrg ni..

sampai aku menangis sebab mama jadi camtu..dia expect anak2 layan dia dgn baik.tapi dgn nany,dia xlayan pun.aku bukan la nak m'balas.tapi what is she expect from us if she also didn't take care about her mom?aku kesian tgk nany.dok la b'cakap ngan mama tapi mama buat xtau je..tapi xde plak nany tu claimed mama as anak derhaka.tapi mama slalu sgt cakap kitorg adik beradik anak derhaka..aku sgt sedih.nape mama sanggup cakap camtu?padahal kitorg x buat kesalahan yg besar pun..dia expect yg kitorg ni akan ikut cara dia.aku mmg xbleh nak ikut coz aku xla alim mane kan.kalo nak tuntut ilmu agama pun xla sampai ke tahap cam mama tu.coz bg aku cara mama sometimes cam de x kena..sometimes cam melampau pun de..that's not my way..

biler fikir agak sukar dpt mak camni.buat camni salah,buat camtu je yg x kena..kadang2 aku fikir pe yg mama nak sebenarnye..dgn org lain bleh je dia cakap,gelak ketawa..tapi dgn famili sendiri,lain sgt sikap mama..nape ek ngan mama?hmmm...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

raye yg akan tiba

dah 19 ari kite b'pose & tinggal beberapa ari lg kite nak raye..persiapan dah hampir siap..barang2 pun dah beli tuk diri sendiri & tuk t'sayang..cume tinggal nak tukar duit raye.berapa agaknye nak tukar ek???sket je kot sebab bukan beraye sgt pun..raye pertama kena keje.raye ke-2 baru cuti..tu pun xtau la nak gi mane..maybe balik kampung..xtau la de sape je kat kampung nanti.kalo rajin sket,gi Ipoh jupe nenek sedara aku,Nek Su..tu dah jadi kebiasaan setiap kali raye gi ziarah Nek Su..

tapi kan sebenarnye aku xde la rase nak beraye sgt.aku pun xpaham sgt kenapa..pose ni pun xde la hepi sgt.konon nak b'pose ngan famili cam org lain kan.tapi x rase pun.masing2 buat hal sendiri.konon balik umah mama nak buke same2,sahur same2 tapi mimpi je laa...sorg ke masjid,sorg keluar..abih2 aku balik buke sorg2.sahur pun hampir2 t'lajak..naseb baik sempat makan roti sekeping & minum air..mule2 niat ati nak la lepak lame sket kat umah mama.tapi tgk cam dingin je.x b'cakap pe pun..mmg ingat nak tolong buat kuih.tapi dah camtu keadaannye,langsung tukar niat balik umah sewa..

kenapa aku x hidup macam org lain?emmm...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

persiapan raye

semalam aku off bleh la aku bgn lambat sket dari biase (dah 5 ari xbleh tido pas sahur sebab keje seawal kul 6.30pagi)..tapi xla lewat sgt aku bgn..dalam kul 9 lebey dah buka mate ni..pastu mandi..tgk TV sementara tunggu besfren aku bgn.(dia EL konon nye.hehehe...)

pas dia bgn dah dekat tengahari,kitorg pun siap2 nak keluar...destinasi pertama ialah Medan MARA..tempat amukan t'kemuka.dgn ati yg b'debar2 sebab misi utama ialah b'gaduh dgn tukang jahit yg sgt 'bijak' di muka bumi ni.huhuhu...kitorg parking kat Maju Junction sebab tempat lain sume penuh.lagipun fikir nak gi kejap b'tekak dulu pastu balik la..pas dpt parking kitorg pun jln la t'kedik2 tgh panas menuju ke Medan MARA tu..sampai je kat situ tgk de pekerja dia je.tuan kedai xde xtau gi mane.dgn garang nye besfren aku tanye kat makcik tu mane tuan kedai..dia pun cakap keluar jap..then xsampai beberapa minit tuan kedai muncul dgn mak dia..amboi,bawa mak nampak.sgt last2 kitorg deal je dgn mak dia.dia dgn muka xb'salah x cakap langsung dgn kitorg.takut la tu kena maki punye deal,mak dia pun janji nak oter balik baju besfren aku tu.siap seminggu b4 raye.naseb la,kitorg dah antar dari bulan 4.sampai skrg xsetel2..aku rase dah dkt 10x gi kedai tu..rase nak lempang pun de...tu la org nak b'niaga,ko pun nak b'niaga..tapi xb'mutu & xb'kualiti..nasihat aku,biarlah kite b'niaga dgn ati yg ikhlas & jujur..

abih kejap citer pasal tukang jahit 'bijak' tu..masuk plak citer m'cari baju & tudung raye..pas blah dari kedai tu,kitorg pun gi la ke kete sebab kononnye nak balik @ gi Mid Valley..tapi sampai je kat kete,aku cakap kat besfren aku nak gi cari baju raye sume..kitorg pun fikir la nak parking kat mane.sebab parking kat Maju Junction takut gi la m'cari parking tempat lain..pusing punye pusing, last2 parking je kat Pertama.huhu..dpt parking kitorg pun mule la gi Sogo jln2 cari baju.ops,de sales la..!!emm kat Sogo tu ble xpenah x sales.aku rase sepanjang tahun sales.giler kan..dpt la sehelai baju kemeja..pastu dpt gak baju kebaya labuh yg b'harge RM90 tuk raye.lawa gak la..pas shopping kat Sogo,kitorg shopping kat area Jalan TAR (blakang bangunan Harisson..gerai byk2 tu)..dpt lagi sepasang baju kurung b'harge semua sebab nak gantikan baju kurung aku yg dah dipulangkan semula kat tukang jahit 'bijak' tu..tapi puas ati sebab dapat ganti dgn 2 pasang baju.hahahaha...

pas dah siap cari baju & tudung raye,kitorg pun b'gerak menuju Mid Valley sebab nak buke pose kat situ..buke kat Noodle Station sebab xtau nak makan pe..ok la makan nasi goreng & teh tarek hazelnut..besfren aku makan nasi+tomyam & air pe tah...pastu terus balik sebab dah penat sgt..

so akhirnye,80% dari barang2 raye aku dah siapkan..tinggal benda2 simple je lagi & juge tuk org t' week maybe gi cari lagi coz gaji dah masukkkk...lalalala~~~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

bulan puasa yang mulia

selamat b'pose kpd semua..even dh masuk ari ke8 kite b'pose,aku nak ucap gak selamat pose kat semua org..tahun ni aku rase pose aku x cukup b'makne sebab biler fikir pasal famili aku yg tunggang langgang,ati aku rase kosong,sedih..kalo org lain maybe rase nak balik kg sambut pose ngan famili,tapi bg aku kalo balik umah mama aku rase x hepi pun..sebabnye mama sampai ke ari ni merajuk xtentu pasal ngan abg fiq aku.hanye sebab org yg tah dari planet mane muncul aku pun la sgt org tu banding ngan kitorg anak mama sendiri..aku jadi makin xpaham ngan famili aku.kucar kacir..masing2 bawak diri xtau ke mane..tah biler akan b'satu.sgt sedih..biarlah Allah yg menentukan..doa aku m0ge masing2 bahagia & dilindungi Allah..amin..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

kerana kau cermin kete ku....

huh..!ari ni sgt la malang..pagi2 aku dgn semangatnye nak gi keje.bgn cam bese,mandi & siap2...kul 8 dah kuar dari beli roti & air tuk bekal gi keje..pastu gi ke kete kesayangan,WRB ****...masuk kete,start enjin bg panas before bese biler aku tunggu enjin panas,aku akan dok dlm kete & buka cermin..punye la hampeh aku ni,bleh plak lupe cermin kete tu bleh turun tapi xbleh dinaikkan semula..lalu ape lg,mmg xbleh naik langsung..niat ati nak gi keje gak,so usahe cari workshop kot2 ade yg buka pagi2 seawal kul 8 kan..tapi sume nye hampeh coz mane ade workshop buka pagi2.tambah2 ari ahad..hmmmm...

biler xde workshop yg buka time tu,aku pun call babah..babah ckp kalo tempat dia pun buka kul 9.30am..mane la aku sempat nak gi keje.shift kul 9am...mmm...lalu aku pun call opis bgtau xbleh dtg sb kete terpakse la amik emergency leave (EL) unpaid..yela,cuti pun dah abih.EL kan tolak dari AL..kurang la gaji aku bulan Ogos nt gara2 cermin kete.ape nak wat,dah naseb..tu la,aku ni sorang yg la malapetaka yg t'jadi.huhuhu....

alang2 aku dah antar kete gi workshop betulkan cermin,aku pun wat keputusan tuk service kete terus...aku soh tauke tu cek tayar,air-cond,servis yg bese 3 bulan tu...puas ati gak la antar kat situ.tu pun babah yg rekemen...tadi amik kete,total kene byr RM220..pas servis gle ringan & best..mmg rase cam betul2 servis la...kat situ pun ade jual sport ok je harge..range dlm 800 paling murah & ori..standard la tu kan..nanti ade duit lebih,nak tukar sport rim la...lalalala~~~

pasni kete aku dah bleh buka dua2 cermin depan...jgn wat hal lagi dah la...dan lagi 1,naseb antar kat tempat tu.sebab ari tu cek kat bangsar,apek tu cakap kene tukar belt air-cond.tapi tauke yg aku servis ni cakap xpyh selamat gak duit aku RM20.hehehe...

anyway,kepada kete ku,jgn wat hal lagi...please....

Friday, July 30, 2010


sebelum tido aku nak try gune hp mahal aku ni posting kt blog baru ni..agak2 berjaye x?hehehe..jd jakun jap..mate ni dah ngantuk sebenarnye tp nak gak try posting.huhu..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Republic - Secrets

ari ni aku nak update blog dgn lagu One Republic - Secrets..lagu ni best..tapi bleh kate sume lagu One Republic best la...cume aku blum lg beli CD dia.hehehe...akan dtg kot baru beli...ok2,aku posting lirik lagu ni ngan video clip dia...LAYAN~~~

I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
Til' all my sleeves are stain ed red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw wink, no
I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

My god, amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all th ose stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Singing straight, too cold
I don't really like my flow, no, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jum p in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if cri tics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, All my secrets away

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Penjara Pudu

Penjara Pudu

ok, posting kali ni pasal Penjara Pudu yg penuh dgn sejarah...nape aku posting pasal ni???emmm sebabnye ianya hanya tinggal sejarah skrg ni.kite x akan tgk lg penjara yg dah lame b'tapak di Malaysia ni...penjara yg suatu ketika dulu m'jadi 'kediaman' setiap banduan di negara kite ni...sgt lame bangunan tu t'sergam kat Jalan Hang Tuah, KL...tapi kenape kite musnahkan tanpe b'fikir panjang???adakah disebabkan p'bangunan yg tidak tentu hala ni, kite kena musnahkan sume sejarah yg de??pada mase akan dtg, cube korg fikir cne anak cucu kite nak tau bangunan & brg b'sejarah di Malaysia ni??

aku sgt x b'setuju ble dengar Penjara Pudu dirobohkan..tapi apakan daya...kite ni hanye la insan kerdil yg x mampu nak b'buat apa2..diorg yg b'duit,b'kuase hanye bleh buat apa saje yg diorg nak..kite ni hanye mampu tgk & dgr je..sungguh x adil dunia skrg ni..nape la de org camtu di dunia ni kan??

skrg ni maybe korg bleh fikir nape org Malaysia & generasi skrg xtau pasal sejarah Malaysia...salah satu sebab nye ialah keadaan seperti Penjara Pudu baru penjara buruk tu...mase akan dtg xtau pe lg yg akan musnah..maybe Muzium Negara?Tugu Negara?Bangunan Parlimen?or Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad????maybe gak sume ni akan musnah..then Malaysia xde lg sejarah...xde lg yg bleh kite anggap sbg sejarah.sebabnye sume dah dirobohkan,dimusnahkan hanye disebabkan mengejar pembangunan yg kononnye akan m'banggakan negara Malaysia...

korg rase2 la kan,negara luar buat ke cam negara kite buat ni?diorg musnahkan ke bangunan2 sejarah diorg?aku rase x.sejarah ni kan bleh mengingatkan kite tentang camne p'juangan org dulu2,camne pengorbanan diorg tuk pertahanankan negara ni.then macam2 lg laa...

skrg ni maybe anak cucu kite bleh tau pasal Penjara Pudu ni kat dlm internet & buku je...rupa bentuk sebenar dah xde disebabkan kerakusan diorg yg tamak...hope jgn de lg yg dimusnahkan kelak..

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Cintailah orang yang kau cintai sekadarnya saja....
siapa tahu pada suatu hari kelak
ia akan berbalik menjadi orang yang kau benci....

Dan bencilah orang yang kau benci sekadarnya saja....
siapa tahu pada suatu hari kelak
ia akan menjadi orang yang kau cintai

Mencari seorang SAHABAT bagaikan mencari sebiji benih pokok dalam semak berduri...
Bersedia untuk dilukai,jangan mengalah untuk terus mencari...
Andai sudah kau temui sayangilah ia sepenuh hati...

kali ni aku nak b'jiwang plak dlm blog ni.hehehehe...oh,ayat kat atas ni aku amik dari forum CARI.sgt menarik ayat ni..ble bace,paham & hayati,de betul gak ayat ni...kat dunia sesape saje nak m'cari sahabat yg bleh dipercayai,memahami,sekepala dgn kite.tapi nak cari tu sgt la susah..kite t'pakse m'harungi segala cabaran & dugaan dlm m'cari sahabat yg sejati..kite bleh dpt kawan dgn senang tapi bukan aku gak,nak dapat seseorang yg bleh aku percaya,paham aku mmg susah.dulu aku igt dah jupe sahabat tapi rupe2 tu talam dua muke.naseb dia bukan talam,kalo x aku dah ketuk jd cam kompang.hahahaha...tapi aku syukur pada Allah sebab dah jupe kan aku dgn seseorang yg bleh aku percaya sampai ble2.dia lah sahabat aku..macam2 kitorg buat b'sama.dah macam adik-beradik.kawan2 yg lain pun xheran kalo kitorg b'gurau cam org gile.hahahaha...aku suke b'kawan dgn dia.maybe certain org x senang dgn kemesraan & keakraban kitorg.tapi ade aku kesah???janji aku bahagia.huahuahua...kawan2 aku yg dulu nye aku rase bleh percaya,skrg xbleh dipercayai.bukan aku nak putuskan persahabatan yg dulu.tapi hati aku sgt sakit..aku x cakap aku baik tapi aku x buat cam diorg buat kat aku.

kite mesti sayang kawan2 kite kan.tapi kdg2 ade gak yg t'lebey sayang.sebab rase cam kite bleh percaya maybe kite dah anggap dia sahabat dunia & akhirat.sayang cam famili kite.tapi sebenarnye kite silap.sayang camtu bleh bawa padah.kalo org tu t'buat silap sket,maybe kite akan terase ati.tapi sebenarnye xde ape2 pun.just perasaan kite je yg lebey2.haha...once dah jadi camtu,mule la hati kite xtenang.ble kite b'terus terang,org pun akan salah paham t'hadap moral of the story,sayangi Allah lebey dari segalanye.sebab Allah tak akan menyakiti hati kite.sayang manusia kadang2 akan menyakiti hati kite...

pesan org tue2 kadang2 ade betulnye...jgn sayang lebey2,takut suatu hari nanti kite akan m'benci dia..dan jgn benci t'lampau sebab suatu hari ni kite akan sayang dengarlah nasihat org tue2..kite bleh nak sayang & cinta seseorg,tapi jgn melebihi had.maksudnye jgn lebey dari kite sayang diri kite & yg penting sayang & cintailah Allah lebey dari segalanye.tu lagi afdhal...sebab manusia slalu mengecewakan kite.Allah xpenah kecewakan nasihat tuk diri aku gak.hehehehe...

so bagi sesape yg t'luka disebabkan sahabat,sayang & cinta,jgn lelama sgt kecewa tu..ingatlah bahawasanye Allah ade tuk menyayangi kite,Dia m'jage kite lagi baik dari manusia.cume kite je yg xsedar.sebab kite sibuk m'cari sahabat,sayang & cinta...mengadulah pada-Nya kerana Dia Maha Memahami & Maha Penyayang...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


lame plak x posting..busy la sejak 2 menjak ni..(yeke???)
ok2,ari ni aku post benda best sket..
t'ingat time zaman budak2 dulu...
check it out!!!

1. Zearth

Height: 60 meters
Weight: 54,540 tons
Flying Speed: 19.9
First Film Appearance:
Ultraman's Wounderful World March 1996
Alter ego: Katsuto Asahi
Method of Transformation: An electric toothbrush

The second Ultra-Being not hail from outside of M78 and one of the klutzy Ultra-Heroes. Ultraman Zearth is from Z95 the Land of the Flash. He can fight extremely well due to some training he received from going to a karate school as Katsuto Asahi. His main weapons of attack are the flying drop kick and his famous Space Supula Beam.

Note: Zearth had a dreaded fear of dirt and grime, however he overcame that.

2. Tiga

Height: 53 meters
Weight: 44.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 5
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman Tiga September 1996
Alter ego: Daigo
Method of Transformation: The Spark Lance

Ultraman Tiga is the last surviving of three Ultra-Beings who were stationed on Earth thousands of years ago to protect it from giant monsters. Tiga is one of the first Ultramen with the ability to change his colors of his costume to call upon powers to defeat his opponents. He can shift his powers into 3 forms. Multi Type, is his regular form (Silver, White and Purple) for his regular rays. Sky Type (purple) is used for hyper speed in either running or fighting and Power Type (all red), is used as a last resort for ultimate strength and the most powerful weapons. Later in the last episode of Ultraman Tiga: Tiga appears in a Glitter like form mode.

Note: In the new movie Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey, Ultraman Tiga will be in five different mode. There will be added 3 new modes.

3. Taro

Height: 35 meters
Weight: 55.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 20
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman Taro April 1973
Alter ego: Kotaro Higashi
Method of Transformation: The Ultra-Star Badge

Ultraman Taro is the sixth Ultra-Brother introduced to the Ultra-Universe (Ultraman Zoffy appeared in the last episode of Ultraman). Taro was specifically trained to be the most powerful Ultraman of all, personally trained by Ultra-Father from childhood to accomplish this. Taro wears the Ultra-Horns on his head. These are the most powerful of all energy absorbing devices. With these horns Taro can absorb as many as six Ultramen lives at once and become a Super Ultraman. In this state he can emit the universe’s most powerful ray, The Cosmo Miracle Ray. Taro also wears the Ultra-Chest protector, which can deflect back any energy projected towards him. In addition Taro wears an Ultra-Bracelet (like Ultraman Jack's), which can become many weapons and objects Taro needs to defeat his foes. Taro's other special powers include the Ultra-Dynamite, which can transform his whole body into a wall of flames, deadly to his enemies.

4. Seven

Height: 40 meters
Weight: 35.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 7
First Television Appearance:
Ultra-Seven October 1967.
Alter ego: Dan Moroboshi
Method of Transformation: The Ultra Eye

This Ultra-Hero is the most famous of all the Ultra-Fighters. Renowned for his sharp cunning, Ultra-Seven's main weapons are the Emulium Rays and his very deadly Eyeslugger, a powerful boomerang like blade that can also emit energy that is located atop on his head which he throws and can cut though almost anything into pieces. Ultra-Seven wears a chest mounted sun-absorbing unit, which can provide him with a never-ending energy charge. The unit unfortunately, is non-operational in extreme cold temperatures.

5. Powered

Height: 55 meters
Weight: 55.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 27
First Television Appearance (released to video):
Ultraman the Ultimate Hero 1995
Alter ego: Kenichi Kai
Method of Transformation: The Beta Capsule (updated version)

This Ultra Hero is better at defending himself than Ultraman Great, and is very weak in attack. His main weapons are the Ultra-Energy Balls, Small Slicer Rings and the Mega-Koshin Spacium Ray, but his "Ultra-Shove and Ultra-Push" are his best methods of fighting.

6. Ultraman

Height: 40 meters
Weight: 35.000 tons
Flying Speed: Mach 5
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman July 1966
Alter ego:
Science Patrol Officer Hayata
Method of Transformation: The Beta Capsule

The most experienced of the Ultra-Fighters. Ultraman is a pure fighting machine. One of the best at hand-to-hand combat, Ultraman’s powers is equal to that of Godzilla, the King of the Monsters, possessing great strength, although unlike Godzilla, Ultraman can fly. He can also teleport himself from one place to another, as well as relying on a large arsenal of weapons. His main weapons are the Spacium Ray (which he directs by crossing his arms and hands) and The Ultra Slash, a pure white hot energy ring (that can slice through anything), which he throws from his right shoulder. He can also change his size from microscopic to giant.

7. Neos

Height: 58 meters
Weight: 59.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 29
First Television Appearance: Aborted 1996 television pilot.
First Upcoming video Release:
Ultraman Neos (sometime this year of 2000)
Alter ego: Genki Kagura
Method of Transformation: Estreilar

Ultraman Neos is as acrobatic as Ultraman 80 and Ultraman Zearth. And he flies the fastest of all the Ultra-Beings. His weapons include the Ultra-Light barriers and his Neos Spacium Ray. Note: any other powers are yet to be revealed in his new upcoming video series.

8. Leo

Height: 52 meters
Weight: 48.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 7
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman Leo April 1974
Alter ego: Gen Otori
Method of Transformation: The Leo Ring

Leo was the first Ultra-Hero was not from M78 but was in The Lion Constellation of L77. Leo came to Earth and received training by Dan Moroboshi (Ultra-Seven) in order to protect Earth from the evil Magma invaders and their super-monsters. Leo’s individual powers include the CrossBeam and his deadly Ultra-Kick (his feet become burning energy). Later on Leo received a weapon called the Ultra-Cloak, which can be changed into many different types of weapons. Ultraman King (The ruler of M78) gave Leo this gift.

9. Jonias (Joe)

Height: 70 meter
Flying Speed: mach 8
First Television Appearance:
The ULTRAMAN (animated series)
Alter ego: Choichrio Hikari
Method of Transformation: Star Beam Flasher

Ultraman Jonias is part of a group of Ultra-Beings that immigrated to another galaxy and then defends the Earth from invasions of giant kaijus. Jonias is the best fighter of his U-40 group. His best weapon of attack is the Platinum Energy Ball.

10. Jack

Height: 40 tons
Weight: 35,000
Flying Speed: mach 5
First Television Appearance:
The Return of Ultraman April 1971
Alter ego: Hideki Goh
Method of Transformation: Calls “Ultraman Jack” by sheer will.

This Ultraman is nearly identical to the first Ultraman. He has identical powers. Later on in this series Jack obtained the Ultra-Bracelet, given to him by Ultra-Seven. This Bracelet can change into any weapon Jack requires to defeat his foes. Jack is also called "Shin (New) Ultraman."

11. Great

Height: 60 meters
Weight: 59.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 26
First Television Appearance (released on video):
Ultraman Towards the Future September 1990
Alter ego: Jack Shindo
Method of Transformation: Delta Plasma Pendent

Ultraman Great is one of the fastest and strongest of the Ultra-Brothers. He is much better in attack than at defense. His main weapons are his Magnum Shot and Burning Plasma.

12. Gaia

Height: 52 meters
Weight: 46.000 tons
Flying Speed mach 15
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman Gaia September, 1998
Alter ego: Gamu Takayama
Method of Transformation: The Espendler

The latest Ultra-Hero, Ultraman Gaia is the third Ultra who can transform into various forms. Gaia is excellent in hand to hand combat. As a last resort, if necessary, Ultraman Gaia can transform into Supreme Gaia to defeat his foes. In this state he can unleash his most powerful weapons, however this can deplete his energies very quickly.

13. Dyna

Height: 55 meters
Weight: 45.000 tons
Flying Speed mach 8 (flash type) mach 5 (strong type) mach 10 (miracle type)
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman Dyna September 1997
Alter ego: Shin Asuka
Method of Transformation: The Red Flasher

Ultraman Dyna is another Ultra-Hero that has the power to transform into 3 different types of modes in combat. His are; Flash Type (standard mode) where he can unleash the powerful Solgent Beam, 1000-meter jump and mach 3 running speed. Strong Type, which for serious hand to hand combats against very powerful super monsters and Miracle Type. This last mode is a very strange mode. It enables Dyna to have special telekinetic powers and weapons like the Revolium Wave. Also he has a 1500-meter jump and mach 5 running.

14. Agul

Height: 52 meters
Weight: 46.000 tons
Flying Speed: mach 15
First Appearance:
Ultraman Gaia
Alter ego: Fujiyama Hiroya
Method of Transformation: The Agulator

Ultraman Agul is the rival of Ultraman Gaia. Unlike Gaia who protects mankind. Agul prefers to protect the Earth itself not mankind. Agul is a very vicious fighter when it comes to this. He and Gaia from time to time came to blows because of their differences. Agul has many weapons that he doesn't have any qualms in using to destroy his enemies. His main weapon is the Photon Crusher beam. Although enemy’s Agul and Gaia soon became friends even uniting against a terror flying seizen nearly 100's of times their own giant sizes.

15. Ace

Height: 40 meters
Weight: 35,000
Flying Speed: mach 5
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman Ace April 1972
Alter egos: Seiji Hokuto and Yoko Minami (later when Yoko resumes Luna's identity, Seiji takes the mantle of being the alter ego of Ultraman Ace)
Method of Transformation: The Ultra-Rings

Ultraman Ace is the Ultra who can create almost unlimited assortment of energy rays. As well he can travel through time and space and traverse dimensions. Ace is skilled in using Ultra-Barriers for defense and attack. His main weapon is the Metallium Rays and the Ultra-Guillotines. Plus his helmet can absorb power that can recharge him fully in just seconds.

16. Ultraman 80

Height: 50 meters
Weight: 44.000
Flying Speed: mach 9
First Television Appearance:
Ultraman 80 April, 1980
Alter ego: Takeshi Yamato
Method of Transformation: The Bridal Stick

This fighter is among the most agile Ultra-Heroes. Ultraman 80's special powers include his own Ultra-Kick (that his feet can become burning energy). Among his various weapons are the Sacksuim Rays and the Buckle Beams; rays that spring from his diamond shaped buckle. These beams can burn anything into cinders.


best x mengenali family ultraman..

time kecik2 dulu mesti korg pun suke tgk citer ultraman kan.

siap tiru gaya lg. betul x???

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

anak sedara ku

posting kali ni pasal anak sedara aku yg comey ni.
ni la muhammad khairin afiq.
muke cian je kan.
ni sb dia dh lame xjupe aku.
dkt 2 @ 3 bulan gak la.
naseb gak dia x ngamuk @ nangis.
diam je dia time aku gi amik bawak gi kedai makan td.
tu muke nampak cam cian je.

lepas aku amik pic dia yg 1st tu & tunjuk kat dia,
baru la dia senyum sket. =)
tapi x sempat amik pic dia senyum.
sgt bijak budak ni.
comey sgt.
tgk muke dia de lebam sket.
ni mesti lasak sgt sampai t'kesan muke tu.
tapi still comey.

gi jupe dia td aku lupe plak bawak something tuk dia.
so jupe camtu je la.
bawak kuar jap.
pastu antar balik.
ingat nak jupe lg next week.
tapi tgk keadaan la.
oh lepas gak rindu kat afiq!
love you my nephew!